Get Ready For a New Vibration

The universe has brought you here, calling you to tune in and connect to the Divine wisdom that already resides within you

Now more than ever we are being called to remember “Who We Really Are”

This is an opportunity to shift our individual consciousness, a time of healing, awakening and evolution so that you can illuminate the positive change you want to see in your life, love, business + soul.

So if you are ready for a radical shift in consciousness, let’s begin…

    • Increase in intuition, inner strength and confidence

    • Generates new and expanded perspectives, increasing your personal capacity for positive change.
    • Empowers you to take charge of your life. Supporting your self mastery journey.
    • Greater feeling of inner peace and clarity of mind.
    • Creates a stronger connection to Source / The Universe / Divine Consciousness. 
    • Supports overcoming anxiety, depression, self doubt and fear.

The Session

Clients are fully clothed during the “Hands Off ” session lasting 45-60 minutes. Each Pellowah session is different! Pellowah works with the individual to build new pathways to awareness and consciousness. Everything that happens in a session is for the client, there is no interpretation from the practitioner.

Pellowah works within the energy field of the client and is completely hands off. It is the transmission of pure energy and requires no music, oils, crystals etc be used in order not to interfere with the vibration and frequency of the Pellowah Energy.

All from the comfort of your own home



What is the difference between Etala Energy and Reiki, Pellowah or other Energy work?

Etala is a 'threads of gold' solar frequency energy modality, it is channeled by the attuned practitioner who works with the multidimensional threads of the individual or groups energy field.
All modalities have their purpose and can work beautifully together, Pellowah is a consciousness frequency modality unlike Reiki or Etala with the 'shift in consciousness' being the main focus.

Etala is a gut / heart / brain centred modality connecting the physical energy to the quantum self. It is here to support your humanness as you evolve on your journey and integrate all the work you do on the self. Amplifying awareness of your needs on a physical, emotional and energetic level and how to advocate for them.

How can this be done remotely?

Pellowah is sent completely hands off and distant / absent at an agreed time. There is no need for zoom video or phone connection for the distance session as the practitioner tunes into and works with the clients highly intelligent quantum energetics.

What if I feel nothing?

Everyones experience of energy work will differ and vary every time. Some clients experience feelings or sensations of temperature changes, waves of energy, twitching, sleeping, dreaming or visualisations and more. Some (but few) clients experience (seemingly) nothing within the session but notice how their responses to particular situations change, thought patters change, capacity or capability change post Pellowah sessions.

As the person receiving you may experience huge shifts immediately following a session, or the effects may be subtle, yet profound, unfolding over a period of time.

Do I just lay down for 60 minutes?

Pellowah is a sensory deprivation modality. Eye mask and earplugs are used during this treatment to ensure the client has their own experience and not one triggered by outside influences. These are recommended so that you are not distracted by light or sound.

Each client’s experience of Pellowah differs, and no two sessions are alike. Pellowah is a pure energy and does not require the addition of aroma, sound, touch or other modalities.  
During a Pellowah session you may experience body movement (tremors and spasms), digestive issues, see  colours, hear sounds, have visions, and there are many other possibilities. You may also have no memory of any experience. Pellowah works on a deep level and it will provide the next shift for your unfolding awareness.  

What happens after the Session?

When the distance session has finished, Emma will send you a text or email. You are encouraged to allow integration for the following 24 hours. In this time, ensure you stay hydrated and nourished to support the energy moving through and integrating into your being.

You will get a check in message 24 hours later where you are welcome to share your experience.

For further sharing, reflections and support post Pellowah, please book a 1:1 coaching session with Emma.