etala energetics


Book your distance session

Now more than ever we are being called to integrate all the work we've been doing to amplify our humanness here for 'these times'

Etala Energy facilitates a subtle yet powerful shift in personal energetics. Working with your whole tapestry - energy resonance field, meridian system, chakras, quantum energy and multidimensional threads.

Calibrating your human energy field promotes integration of all the self work you have done in this and other timelines, strengthens your personal power, supports your adrenals and illuminates the positive change you want to see in your life, love, business + soul.

the world needs your highest embodied magic.
Re-code your energy : Radiate your gold

Amplify your energy

transform your life

On the day of your Etala Energy session, Emma will send you a message 15 minutes prior to ensure you are ready to receive. You will have a follow up message 24 hours after.


To prepare you for your distance session; Emma will send you a voice-note and Etala Energetics Consent form to read and listen to


Click the 'book now' button where you'll be taken to Emma's Google Calendar + you can select and pay for the date and time that works for you. 





How it works

Book your distance session

A practitioner receives the attunements that enable them to initiate the Etala energy and hold the healing space for the person receiving. There is no diagnosis and little to no interpretation by the practitioner.

etala means 'the art of emanating light' - it serves to connect the threads of the energy sphere where an individual exists. promoting integrated wellbeing + highlighting humanness.

mind, body, spirit, quantum energy

recalibrating all the meridians within the body, activating personal power, through this we are able to make choices which take us to greater heights and levels in our life. 

what is etala?

You may experience huge shifts immediately following a session, or the effects may be subtle, yet profound, unfolding over a period of time. a block of three sessions are the optimal number for a focus point.

C Oakes-Fawlk

"It's as if having the sessions and having that level of energy work has actually shifted something within me and has enabled me to fully embody all the learning I've done, all the teachings I've gone through and allowed it all to just click effortlessly into place"

A. White

"I had the most beautiful experience with Etala. I went into a very peaceful deep state during the session, it revealed some wonderful new ideas and I felt like I could feel the presence of the energy. When the session had finished, I felt serene and joyous at the same time and carried this with me all day. I cannot wait to have another session with Emma. Highly recommend"

K. Dunn

"I loved receiving Etala from Emma. I felt very at peace during the process and had some lovely visualisations all the way through. The next day I felt something shift and felt incredibly light, energetic and happy. I also loved being able to set the scene before my session with candles and music. A truly lovely session.

What people are saying

Clients receive the distance coding session lasting 30 minutes from the comfort of their own home. Each Etala Energy session is different! Etala works with the individual to recalibrate their energy field internally and externally. Activating new energetic pathways, clearing old, stuck or stagnant energy and integrating their highest frequency. Everything that happens in a session is for the client, there is often little to no interpretation from the practitioner.

Etala works within the energy field of the client and does not require a zoom video or phone call connection.

* Please note Etala Energy can also be facilitated within a 1:1 coaching session with Emma, for couples, in a group setting and in person (please ask Emma for further details)


THE session

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What is the difference between Etala Energy and Reiki, Pellowah or other Energy work?

Etala is a 'threads of gold' solar frequency coding energy modality, it is channeled by the attuned practitioner who works with the multidimensional codes of the individual or groups energy field.
All modalities have their purpose and can work beautifully together, Pellowah is a higher frequency modality than Reiki working with the shift in consciousness. Etala is a power centred modality connecting the physical energy to the high level quantum energy. It is here to support your humanness as you evolve on your journey and integrate higher vibrations and consciousness. It is not described as a 'healing' modality like Reiki however healing may be one of the positive by-products of the energy coding.

How can this be done remotely?

In person, this modality may include some elements of 'hands on' however it is mostly sent completely hands off and distant / absent at an agreed time. There is no need for zoom video or phone connection for the distance session as the practitioner tunes into and works with the clients highly intelligent quantum energetics.

This modality can also be used within a zoom or in person coaching session on a 1:1 and group setting.

What if I feel nothing?

Everyones experience of energy work will differ and vary every time. Some clients experience feelings or sensations of temperature changes, waves of energy, twitching, sleeping, dreaming or visualisations and more. Some (but few) clients experience {seemingly) nothing within the session but notice how their responses to particular situations change, thought patters change, capacity or capability change post coding sessions. Trust and make the intention that the energy knows what it is doing and will meet you where you are at. 

Do I just lay down for 30 minutes, or what?

The great thing thing about Etala, is that it works with your inner gold. It doesn't matter how you relax, as long as you are in a peaceful, distraction free receptive state. LOVES the sunshine so if you can find yourself a spot under the window where you can bask and receive your coded upgrade, awesome! (but not essential and will only amplify the experience not the coding)
You are encouraged to have your eyes closed and a pen and paper near by for after the session notes / reflections / messages etc.

What happens after the Coding Session?

When the distance session has finished, Emma will send you a text. You are encouraged to allow integration for the following 24 hours. In this time, ensure you stay hydrated and nourished to support the energy moving through your being.

You will get a check in message 24 hours later where you are welcome to share your experience.

For further sharing, reflections and support post Etala, please book a 1:1 coaching session with Emma.